Cast members are listed Left-Right: Dr. Steven Franklin (Richard Biggs) - Earth Alliance. Doctor specializing in Alien physiology; Ambassador Delenn (Mira Furlan) - Minbari. She belongs to the Grey Counsel, and is known as Sati Delenn by members of her own race; Lt. Commander Susan Ivanova (Claudia Christian) - Earth Alliance. Second in Command of B5. She controls day to day operations in C&C; Michael Garibaldi (Jerry Doyle) He is head of security on Babylon 5. Nothing happens on the station that he doesn't know about; Talia Winters (Andrea Thompson) - Earth Psi Corps. She is a telepath and 100% loyal to the Corps; Ambassador Londo Mollari (Peter Jurassik) - Centauri. He wants to restore the glory of the Great Centauri Republic, like it was in the old days; Commander Jeffrey Sinclair (Michael O'Hare) - Earth Alliance. Head of the military presence on Babylon 5; Ambassador G'Kar (Andreas Katsulas) - Narn. He trusts no one and fears that the Centauri are planning to conquer his homeworld.